Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Wheel of the Year Turning to Yule!

Hey there!

Yule was on Sunday! I hope you had the brightest of blessings! It was also Sinterklaas Day so I hope you ate some stroopwafels, salted black licorice, chocolate letters, and all of the other things that are making me salivate right now, for me! If you read my last post on Divination, you will have realized that this week I am posting two posts as I was unable to last week during my finals! This Yule was so last minute its not even funny. Hence I hope those Sinterklaas day celebrators to have eaten yummy Dutch cuisine for me! Ordinarily, I like to spend the week immersing myself in Yule lore to get me excited and ready for the holidays. I like to connect with how my family has celebrated the winter solstice in the past like my Dutch heritage, as well as how I grew up in the Christian faith for Christmas Day which is tomorrow. This Yule, however, I figured out what I was doing during the ritual....

I had special winter solstice incense and oil, however I only used the incense in the last minute-ness. I opened up my Book of Shadows on my iPad and set up my altar, I had milk and cookies as my offering and set-up my portable altar. Even though it was last minute I liked what I did with the set-up. I turned off all of the lights in my room and lit candles. I really liked the atmosphere that this created. It reminded me of candle lit services on Christmas Eves of my childhood, but helped me embrace the magical life I am now embarking on. I consecrated my new Tarot deck, a gifted amethyst I received, and a dream catcher.

I don't know if it's just me, but this holiday season is always a melancholy one. Whether it be the seemingly happy but sad songs, or the lack of sun making people have seasonal affective disorder/Winter Depression (but seriously why did they have to make that spell sad?), it seems happy and sad at the same time. My Yule ritual was not perfect and neither was the day of Yule, but the time it took to set up the ritual and create a magical moment in the day was well worth it. It was one of those days where the fact that no one I knew was celebrating Yule prevented me from feeling any magic in my day. However, whenever I feel too lazy or beaten down, sitting in that magical space, in tune completely with the divine, and grounded, fills my spirit full of calm and happy centeredness.

My advice for the last minute Yule-celebrator is to not let the feeling of unpreparedness effect you. When you get in that space, focus on the message of that Sabbat or the purpose of your ritual. I found that the prayers I looked up while in my circle were exactly what I needed. Not going to lie, I repeated them many times to meditate on the message that I needed to gain from this Yule time in my life. The Sun is returning! Interpret that in whatever way your soul is calling you to interpret it. 

It was a very uplifting and stress erasing Yule time for me, I hope you were surrounded by love either by friends, family, or only the divine on Yule in what ever way your traditions practice. Blessed Be!

The Closet Witch

Coming Up: Witchy Web!
Coming Up After: Entering 2015!

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